Claire Stansfield Plastic Surgery Lips Before and After Pictures
There is a total of two surgery reports about actress Claire Stansfield, and both are confirmed. Both of these reports are about lip augmentation. She had undergone lip augmentation many times ago through which she increased the size of her lips, but she was not much pleased with the result of this surgery, so she underwent for the second time to further increase her lips. The result of the first surgery was good though, but it was not according to her desire so she asked her surgeon to re-operate on her so that she could get desired results.
She looks happy and content looking the result of the second surgery, so there are no chances if she would undergo again this procedure. The experts like Dr. Jennifer Walden say that she might undergo some procedures other than lip augmentation in the future.
Born in 1964, the lady is not just an actress but she also has done work as a director, model and fashion designer. She is best known for her television series Xena: Warrior Princess where she portrayed Alti. Originally, she belonged to an English family, as she was born in London to an English father. However, her mother was a German. Since most of her childhood was spent in Canada, she considers herself a Canadian, even though she has a British passport. Before entering in the acting world, she remained working as a model in England and Canada. She has also been appearing in films as well. Her movie, Sweepers, was released in 1998 where she appeared alongside Dolph Lundgren.
Claire Stansfield’s Lips Are Out Of ControlClaire Stansfield isn’t the most famous celebrity we’ve ever reported on here at the ole’ plastic surgery shop, but she’s still had a pretty impressive career as an actress (she’s appeared on episodes of shows like “Frasier” and “Xena: Warrior Princess”), model, and fashion designer. What she hasn’t had an impressive career in is getting cosmetic surgery. She’s one of our least favorite types of celebrities; she’s a woman who was born with natural good looks, and she decided to go under the knife and ruin it in instead of allowing herself to age gracefully. Let’s take a look at her failed efforts at dodging father time.
For starters, let’s address the elephant in the room: her lips; those things are out of control! She appears to have had multiple lip injections, as Restylane or Juvederm have pumped her lips up to astronomical levels, and then it appears as if she’s tried to ween off the lip sauce, but it’s ;eft her looking deflated in the mouthpiece. Her other surgeries and procedures are less guaranteed to have occurred, but we’ll speculate on them because that’s just how we do things around here. It’s very possible that she’s undergone a facelift that has left her skin looking overly tight and a bit shiny. She’s also most likely had a blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) that’s completely changed the shape of her eyes; the procedure took away the smokey look that she once had and left her with a look that’s too wide-eyed for our liking and for her face. Finally, we think that she’s dabbled in Botox injections; they’re contributing to her skin’s smoothness and making her look a bit too puffy. That’s about all we’ve noticed in regards to her plastic portfolio.

At the end of the day, Claire Stansfield really blew it. She was dealt a great hand in life and threw it away by going under the knife and in front of the needle way too much. She’s gone from model to a puffy face, and it’s a darn shame. She needs to quit having work done before things get worse, because she’s on her way to becoming a plastic surgery nightmare.
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