Ariel Winter had a breast reduction to ease unnecessary pain—but she won't stand for social media trolls accusing her of going under the knife for more than just that. “You’re also wrong about all of it by the way 🙂 one breast reduction and I lost weight but you do you boo," she commented back to a follower who accused her multiple surgeries.

Ariel Winter

"Fifty five and smiling from the inside out...finally back to the original 1964," Yolanda Hadid wrote in an Instagram caption. "Living in a body free of breast implants, fillers, botox, extensions and all the bullshit I thought I needed in order to keep up with what society conditioned me to believe what a sexy woman should look like until the toxicity of it all almost killed me," she wrote. Hadid has previously spoken out about how she stopped getting Botox injections and dermal fillers years ago after being diagnosed with Lyme.

Yolanda Hadid

This month’s blog is a provocation. It is an invitation to, perhaps, imagine a different narrative about appearance and beauty…….not one that emphasizes consumerism or declares that everyone is beautiful or that attention to, or a focus on, appearance is trivial and beauty work is oppressive – an aspect of a patriarchal society. Of course, beauty work exists within the norms of a patriarchal society that, along with a consumerist edict, negatively impact notions of appearance and beauty, but that is only a partial telling of the story of human appearance. I am certainly not the first person to put forth this narrative – there are notable exceptions – Ribeiro,Hollows, Brand, Cahill, Craig, Gibson, Peiss. What follows, this blog, is based on research, interviews conducted with a diverse group of women and men from both the UK and the US. Coordinated Management of Meaning or CMM informed the interview process and grounded theory was used to analyse the data. The focus of the interviews was described as facial appearance or age and appearance “from the neck up.”

Faces are historical and cultural documents. How we chose to groom, style, make-up, or the many other ways we present ourselves through our appearance signals to the world who we are and how we would like to be seen. There is the larger context of culture and history. Taking it one step further, these choices are shaped by race, ethnicity, class, taste, and, of course, age, among other influences. Whether it is a bob or a comb-over, “tasteful” make-up application or “natural” bare skin,  gleaming whitened teeth, or a mouth barely visible through a beard, the image in the mirror is how and who we present ourselves to be to the world AND the image we craft for ourselves…… the ‘meness’ in the glass. My research showed a small sub-group {mostly men} who stated they didn’t care about appearance and almost never looked at themselves in a mirror. That, too, is a choice that belies cultural and historical notions about gender or morality or both.

Throughout history, morality, appearance, and the beautiful have been bound together and it most certainly continues today, from feminism to Christianity, with a fusion of notions of the natural as virtuous, along with strong value-laden ideas.

Some women and men spoke with me about tasteful cosmetic use as a moral imperative for older women. Straight men casting an eye on other older men passed judgement on their peers who spent, what was perceived as too much concern over their appearance. Gay men discussed gay and straight men who allowed themselves to get “scruffy.” Goodness, virtue, vanity and moral manliness are bound together with these attitudes.

At this juncture, I return to my opening remark – faces are historical and cultural documents. A focus on our appearance choices and/or enhancement of our appearance – what we perceive as making us more attractive – date back to earliest humans. Not only were we humans enhancing our appearance for our gods and each other, we were gazing at our own reflection. Early examples of mirror technology date back to 620 BCE with the discovery of highly polished obsidian found in Turkey. In ancient Egypt, polished reflective metal discs were used by women and men to groom themselves and apply cosmetics as seen in art from the region. Vanity? Or a profoundly embedded human interest in appearance and beauty? Something deeply bound to our sense of self? The philosopher, Elaine Scarry writes about the rootedness of beauty to our humanness. She asks, if we could be persuaded to stop looking at beautiful people, could that be extended to other sites of beauty – gardens, poems?

Do we carry this desire though our lifetimes? In older age and old age? Do we continue to look/see and present ourselves to be seen? And what becomes of the expression of beauty, the language of beauty in old age? Is it the current cultural tropes of the wizened exotic [read foreign] old person photographed staring into the middle distance – the penultimate image of the “natural.”? Or the tastefully enhanced looks of Helen Mirren? Can old people be beautiful and what does that mean? 

These questions are particularly relevant now as baby boomers have fully moved into old age. The experience of the cultural shifts of the sixties has had an abiding influence throughout the life of this generation, and it continues as they embody old age.  Baby boomers are also the recipients of the longevity revolution - making older people more visible through sheer numbers. This is coupled with a generation that values active and healthy lifestyles. As one research participant said, “Old people are no longer cosseted in the bosom of their families”; they are visible in almost every sphere of life from the mundane to the extraordinary. This visibility changes the range of the human landscape. Most especially, older people hold an awareness, a cognizance of each other. Older women look at each other, appraising but mostly appreciative. Men appraise each other with a competitive eye. Women and men see attractiveness, beauty in the opposite sex, regardless of sexual orientation. As the neuroscientist, Anjan Chaaterjee suggests, we are wired to seek pleasure in the sight of beauty.

With only a handful of exceptions, research participants answered that yes, old people can be beautiful……yes, it is facial features but participants were clear it was something beyond ‘good bones.’ Some of the words or phrases they used to define age and beauty were: luster, spark of life, radiance, glow, light and warmth, vitality, and presence were some of the ways people defined and discussed age and beauty…….It is a vividness.

This invitation, this provocation asks you readers to consider attention to appearance in the context of culture and history; to reconsider or set aside the moral underpinnings attached to a critique of appearance and the wish for attractiveness and beauty; to question that article of faith that older people, especially old women are invisible. Old people can be and are beautiful. I have so many rich quotes from participants, it was difficult to choose one to end; this from Maggie:

I’m not talking about the front page of Vogue. I mean there are some wonderful models, you know, in their eighties who are still in Vogue and that is about looking good and glamorous and selling clothes – that’s not really what I am talking about. The beauty of how you are with people, how generous a spirit you are coupled with, yes, a love – an engagement with the world.   

Beauty is there: on radiant faces, eyes that shine, and an appearance that leads the viewer to gaze upon a luster, a vivid being.

Dr Naomi Woodspring was a Research Fellow, University of the West of England as part of the Bristol Ageing Better project and is currently a Visiting Fellow. She is also a Fellow at the Schumacher Institute. Since completing her PhD in 2014 she has published two books – Baby Boomers, Time and Ageing Bodies and Baby Boomers, Age and Beauty

Brand, Z. P. (2000). Beauty matters. Bloomingdale, IN: Indiana University Press
Cahill, A. J. (2003). Feminist Pleasures and feminine beautification. Hypatia, 18(4), 42-64
Chaaterjee, A. (2014). The aesthetic brain: How we evolved to desire beauty and enjoy art. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Craig, M. L. (2006). Race, beauty, and a tangled knot of a guilty pleasure. Feminist Theory, 7(2), 159-177
Gibson, C. P. (2013). “To care for her beauty, to dress up, is a kind of work”: Simone de Beauvoir, fashion, and feminism. WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly, 41(1 & 2), 197-201
Hollows, J. (2006). Feminism, femininity, and popular culture. Manchester: Manchester University Press
Ribeiro, A. (2011). Facing Beauty: Painted women and cosmetic art. London: Yale University Press
Scarry, E. (2000). On beauty and being just. London: Gerald Duckworth
Wilson, E. (2005). Adorned in dreams: Fashion and modernity (3rd ed.). UK: I. B. Taurus & Co., LTD.

Culture and Context: A lifespan perspective on beauty

Why risk cosmetic surgery? Why risk infection, pain, possibility of life-long complications, just to look prettier? All surgery is dangerous but facelifts aren’t the same as (say) knee replacements that enhance our lives in obvious ways; with knee replacements we weigh up the risks versus the benefits and decide the risks are worth it. And choosing to have cosmetic surgery abroad, adding a foreign country into the mix, that’s just madness!

Contrary to popular opinion, ‘unnecessary’ cosmetic surgery may improve life as much as a ‘necessary’ knee replacement. Of the 100+ recipients of cosmetic surgery tourism that Ruth Holliday, David Bell and I interviewed, observed, and travelled with for our forthcoming book Beautyscapes: mapping cosmetic surgery tourism (MUP, 2019),  all had carefully weighed risk against benefit. They told us that they hoped cosmetic surgery would give them better opportunities at work, in romance, in day to day living. Further, they sought cosmetic surgery abroad, taking an additional risk in order to access services that were too expensive at home. We call them patient-consumers

Sociologists Ulrich Beck (1992) and Anthony Giddens (1990) argue that the current period of ‘Reflexive Modernity’ not only produces ‘goods’ but also many threatening and risky ‘bads’. The management of these risks is part of living in a ‘Risk Society’.  This intertwines with neoliberal cultures that urge us all to ‘take control’, to ‘do something’ to improve our lives and become our ‘true selves’. In neoliberal cultures individuals learn to calculate risk; to manage it in order to be the best we can be (because we’re worth it). Risk is thus made into an individualised, responsibilised choice. This partly explains how risk is managed in relation to cosmetic surgery tourism. 

Different individuals and groups understand and calculate risk differently (Douglas 1992) and people are differently positioned in terms of risk–benefit calculations. When we asked a room full of academics at a conference if they would improve their appearance with a wave of a magic wand, the vast majority—men and women—said yes. But very few said yes when the improvement relied on surgery. Most middle-class and tertiary-educated subjects enjoy sources of cultural and financial capital separate from their appearance, and thus for them the risks of cosmetic surgery outweigh the benefits (this is mitigated somewhat by gender, since women are currently still judged more on their looks than men, especially when women’s looks are integral to their income—either from employment or spouses). However, for those with less cultural capital and fewer other sources of value, the risk of cosmetic surgery can become worth taking. If one’s body is already commodified for the labour market then one’s aim may well be to add value to it or at least to limit negative evaluations or devaluations. For example, we interviewed two Australian prison guards having facelifts in Malaysia who felt they were no longer able to do their jobs properly because they looked like ‘grannies’.

Cosmetic surgery tourism patient-consumers attempt to know and manage risk. They take on this responsibility themselves, spending considerable time and effort researching and learning about clinics, surgeons, agents, destinations, flights, accommodation, aftercare, compression garments, breast implants, when and how much to exercise after surgery, etc. In fact, managing risk is a significant new form of labour that patient-consumers perform. In cosmetic surgery tourism, risk is individualised and is carried by the patient who chooses where to travel, what treatments to undergo, which surgeons and agents to use. In public health, as Annemarie Mol (2008) notes, risk is managed by the institution and embodied by the figure of the (often paternalistic and unchallengeable) doctor (‘the doctor knows best’). Cosmetic surgery tourists can use their ‘consumer power’ to avoid the potential abuses of this approach, but this comes with the cost of shouldering the work of managing risk personally. 

The cosmetic surgery tourists we worked with were responsible consumers who, for example, tried to avoid debt. Their surgeries were often funded by windfalls or long-awaited inheritances and compensations. Jess, who travelled from the UK to Poland, told us:

I thought about it for about a year. A year, seriously. I had a consultation here, in the UK, but it would have worked out really expensive and they wanted to give me a loan, so it would have put me in debt. This way I could save for six months and get it done and not be in any debt.

Patient-consumers are aware of the criticisms leveled against them for having surgery and for travelling abroad. But we found they were far from frivolous or flighty. All had researched surgeons and destinations thoroughly (not easy because qualifications are multifarious and independent registers of successful operations don’t exist). All were savvy about how websites can be deceptive, for example with rival clinics posting negative anonymous reviews. Thus, they were more likely to rely upon word-of-mouth recommendations. Social media sites were therefore crucial, providing direct access to other patients. Patient-consumers know that choosing the right clinic, surgeon, recovery place etc is vital because cosmetic surgery is largely under-regulated: they know that there is little legal recourse in their own countries, let alone across national borders, if things go wrong.

If complications develop at home, there are social sanctions for accessing the NHS. Popular opinion is that the NHS shouldn’t be responsible for people’s foolish decisions; that in some way cosmetic surgery tourists with complications have brought them on themselves. But note how profoundly gendered this attitude is: would the adventurous young man who rode a motorbike without a helmet in Bangkok, crashed, and needed NHS care on his return to the UK be scorned or told he was wasting taxpayers’ money? And yet people (about two thirds of the patient-consumers we interviewed were women) who seek surgery to improve their work, social and romantic prospects—to become better neoliberal citizens—are thought unworthy. Cosmetic surgery tourists are very aware of being considered a ‘burden on the NHS’ and their practices before, during and after surgery revealed they felt responsibility for this and sought to minimise its impact.

The ‘consumption’ of cosmetic surgery is part of the neoliberal imperative to constantly strive for self-improvement. But this is full of choices and risks. Patient-consumers bear the weight of this responsibility, and they are the ones who are blamed if things go wrong.

Meredith Jones is a Reader in Gender and Media Studies at Brunel University London. She is a feminist scholar specialising in theories of the body and is one of the pioneers of social and cultural research around cosmetic surgery. Her books and articles, especially ‘Skintight: An Anatomy of Cosmetic Surgery’ (Berg, 2008) in the area are widely cited. Meredith's latest major publication (with Ruth Holliday and David Bell) is 'Beautyscapes: mapping cosmetic surgery tourism' (MUP, 2019) based on data collected as part of the project Sun, Sea, Sand and Silicone). She is currently working on a monograph: ‘Velvet Gloves: A Cultural Anatomy of the Vulva

Beck, U. (1992) Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity, London: Sage.
Douglas, M. (1992) Risk and Blame: Essays in Cultural Theory, London: Routledge. 
Giddens, A. (1990) The Consequences of Modernity, Cambridge: Polity Press.
Mol, A. (2008) The Logic of Care: Health and the Problem of Patient Choice, London:Routledge.

Cosmetic Surgery Tourism: Self-Improvement in a Risky World

Halle Berry seen being wheeled around and wearing heavy facial prosthetics while filming "Truth or Dare" in Los Angeles. The actress is later seen wearing massive fake breast implants.

Most actresses who have won Academy Awards are always dealing with plastic surgery. Halle Berry, who has been changing her appearance, is one of them. Even though she denied this rumor, her photos recently showed that her appearance has changed, at least for some parts of her body. Further, when an incision appears on her body, there is no doubt that she surely has had plastic surgery.

It is no secret anymore that when a person has plastic surgery, there will be a scar or incision that will appear, but it depends on the surgeon whether he can hide the scar or not. First, she had a  breast augmentation that is very easily seen by the public. It is common to have an incision on her armpit after this procedure, because most of the work is done through the armpits. Halle’s recent photos show that she has bigger and fuller breasts than she had a few years ago.

Has Halle Berry Had Surgery?
According to the actress herself the answer is ‘no’: Halle Berry has not gone under the knife.
“No I haven’t,” Berry said in 2007 when asked by Reader’s Digest if she’d had plastic surgery.
“But that’s one thing I’ll never say never about, because I don’t know.”

It seems pretty obvious from this quote, and from other statements Berry has made where she said she hoped to be able to avoid the temptation of being a plastic surgery celebrity, that the actress hasn’t undergone any cosmetic procedures just yet.

While the fear of plastic surgery gone wrong likely plays a factor, Berry has said that she hopes she can allow herself to age without trying to hold onto more transitive standards of physical beauty.

If you check the pictures of her before surgery, you can see that her nose was little wide. And in the recent pictures the nose seem changed a bit. It got slim and yeah, better than before. Just like breast implants this one also got good results. The size of the nostrils got reduced after the surgery. I think Halle was not comfortable with her big nose. ​

It is a good thing that she got desired results from the rhinoplasty. Her nose after the work suits her face well. It is one of the risky procedures among plastic surgeries. Because the chances are too low if the surgery fail.

What kinds of plastic surgery Halle Berry has done?

Halle Berry Nose Job
The next thing about Halle Berry is her nose. The size and shape of it got changed. You know that the nose is actually important to a model. Because a small change can make the face a lot difference. So, the celebrity has done nose job for better look. But I don’t know why she had done this. It was actually not so bad and there were no imperfections before.

If you check the pictures of her before surgery, you can see that her nose was little wide. And in the recent pictures the nose seem changed a bit. It got slim and yeah, better than before. Just like breast implants this one also got good results. The size of the nostrils got reduced after the surgery. I think Halle was not comfortable with her big nose. ​

Halle Berry Breast Implants

First noticeable change in Halle Berry is her breasts. It seems that she had upgraded her breast size to 36C. Breast implants are common among actresses and models. But only few had done at this almost-middle age. Well, age doesn’t matter in case of Halle. Because she was born with natural beauty and maintained a perfect body structure.

The breast implants made her look better and it suits well. Halle Berry is lucky to have the natural look even after the surgery. It’s actually very hard to maintain beauty when you’re at 40. It’s the age when the wrinkles, forehead lines and other aging signs appears. I’ve seen some celebrities who has done plastic surgeries a lot of times and ruin their face. But Halle has done it in a perfect amount and she chose the right surgeon.

Halle Berry Plastic Surgery Botox, Breast Implants and Nose Jobs Before and After Pictures

Koren idol Ha Ji Won was accused has beauty transformation through plastic surgery. This rumor appears when her old photos that look so different with her recent appearance widely spreading among Netizen. Some believe she had put herself under the knife, but the other party or Ha Ji Won enthusiasm said its just make up that make her quite different from time to time. 34 years old South Korean actresses Ha Ji Won who has gain international recognition for her role as Gil Ra Im in Secret Garden (TV series) was accused has beauty transformation along with plastic surgery done.

Those who believe that Ha Ji Won has plastic surgery accused she has Rhinoplasty , facial fillers and eyelid surgery. Like any other Korean idol, Ha Ji Won plastic surgery triggering pros and cons among fans. But Ha Ji Won never gave a clear explanation regarding plastic surgery transformation that was accused of her.

She has beautiful face with innocence looks that was combined with good personality image make Ha Ji Won plastic surgery being one of Korean stars that has so many fan base around the world.

But her successful career and life will be costly by the emergence of rumors she is fake celebrities that doing beauty transformation trough plastic surgery to establish her career. It was strengthens with the fact that in previously photos that showing Ha Ji Won picture before she become famous celebrities was really different and showing that she is changes so drastically.

Has Ha Ji Won Had Plastic Surgery?

When you’re dealing with bad plastic surgery stories, such as Priscilla Presley’s plastic surgery maiming, it’s fairly simple to tell whether a celebrity has gone under the knife or not.

However, when you have an actress like Ha Ji Won, it can be nearly impossible to tell. A chameleon on screen and able to slip easily into half a dozen different roles as it is, Ha Ji Won is already hard to pin down.

However, when you look at the “rumors” of plastic surgery, no one seems to be quite clear what it is they’re accusing the young actress of in the first place. While tabloids and gossip forums claim that she must have had work done, no one can say what or where or when.

There’s just a blanket question, rather than wondering if she’s undergone rhinoplasty (a nose job), facial fillers, eyelid surgery, or any of a dozen different procedures that could be concretely investigated.

What kinds of plastic surgery Has Ha Ji Won has done?

Eyelid Surgery
Eyelid surgery probably the most common plastic surgery procedure that was taken by Korean idol. Its probably Ha Ji Won does similar thing too whenever you look at her eyes that looks bigger than before. As a commonly Mongolian race, she should have cramped and small eyes. But looking at her you must be understood that he runs getting bigger and wider looks like Anime character who jumping into the real word. She looks good with her new eyes that gave her soft and tender sight at once.

Facial Filler
Facial filler probably was taken by Ha Ji Won to make her cheek more chubby. Despite injecting on her cheek, filler or collagen may inject to her lip too that make this part looks juicy and thicker. Ha Ji Won may have filler injection in the chin area to make it more pronounced by looking at how smooth and sharp her jaw line that make her facial shape getting an oval than before.
Nose jobs(Rhinoplasty)
Looking at Ha Ji Won before and after picture we may see there is slightly changing on her nose. There is bit differences in both size and shape that make Ha Ji Won facial appearance more perfect. It’s likely that in old photos her nose is less sharp, wide and bit bigger. The nasal board looks less high but wider than the nasal bridge. But from time to time, you may see that her nose more perfectly sculptured. The nasal bridge becoming smaller and cramped, the nasal bridge looks higher than before make her nose look slimmer, thinner and sharper. Speculation says actually Ha Ji Won hasn’t plastic surgery for Rhinoplasty done. They say a shading of the nasal area gave her illusions of nose shape and size.

Though there are dozens of websites out there, such as that shown on us which are releasing photographs of Ha Ji Won “after plastic surgery,” it seems like that phrase is being used as nothing more than an SEO search tag for those interested in seeing the post-surgery starlet.

None of the images presented seem greatly different from any other. In fact if you take into account what the woman does for a living, it’s highly unlikely that any of the slight differences seen in these online galleries couldn’t be pulled off with the help of simple cosmetic tricks.

After all, if you know what you’re doing you can slim down your nose, change the appearance of your eyes, alter your lips or even give your face an entirely different shape. Actresses excel at fooling the camera, and thus the eyes that are watching the pictures.

Ha Ji Won plastic surgery hasn’t made any statements about whether or not she’s had surgery either, which isn’t helping to settle the question. So what’s the conclusion? Is it possible that she’s had plastic surgery at the hands of an extremely talented and gifted doctor who’s hid the scars to well and performed so subtly that no one has noticed. Yes, that’s possible.

Did Ha Ji Won have Plastic Surgery Before and After Nose Job, Facial Fillers and Eyelid Surgery Photos

Cindy Margolis plastic surgery is like a really hot cultural relic. She was big on the internet when the internet wasn’t big on itself. She was “the most downloaded woman on the internet” back when AOL (it’s awesome how many people don’t remember what that was already) was in it’s heyday. These days, she’s a mother of three, and a reality TV star. Not a bad way for life to turn out, but she didn’t get there on her own. Cindy has had a lot of work done. She had for sure had breast augmentation (not complaining) and rhinoplasty. That’s obvious when looking at pics of her in her early 20s, she looks completely different. What’s debated is whether she maintains her youthful look and MILF status by taking good care of herself, or whether she has had chin and cheek implants, and a blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery). It could really go either way. Has she had a lot of work done? Or is she just really good with a makeup case? You be the judge.

In the past, Cindy Margolis has already undergone several transformations, thanks to the work of numerous plastic surgery procedures. Cindy has most likely started with a rhinoplasty and breast augmentation, favorites in the modeling field. Since then, she may have augmented her breasts one or more times, as well as added some plastic to her face in the form of a brow lift, cheek and chin implants and a blepharoplasty (eye lift), giving her the face and body men around the world have fallen in love with and fantasized to on their computer monitors.

Plastic surgeon Dr. Sherrell J. Aston says, “Cindy Margolis has had a total transformation and looks like a completely different person. I suspect she has had numerous plastic surgery procedures such as, Rhinoplasty, Breast Augmentation, Brow Lift, Cheek Implant, Chin Implant and Blepharoplasty. In my opinion she looks overdone and unnatural, I would not advise her to have any more surgery.”

"Has Cindy Margolis had any kind of Plastic Surgery"?

Not to be confused with an adult film actress, Cindy Margolis has reached fame for her stunning good looks and more than a little plastic surgery help.

Beginning life as a brunette, Cindy’s bottle blonde hair color has helped to enhance her career, taking her from a “Barker Beauty” on the popular TV game show on the Price is Right to the dubious accomplishment of being ”The Most Downloaded Woman on the Internet.”

Now at 43 and as a mother of 3 children, Cindy Margolis is all set to complete yet another transformation, by finding love on an upcoming reality dating show, taking her from single MILF to half of a couple.

In the past, Cindy Margolis has already undergone several transformations, thanks to the work of numerous plastic surgery procedures. Cindy Margolis has most likely started with a rhinoplasty and breast augmentation, favorites in the modeling field. Since then, she may have augmented her breasts one or more times, as well as added some plastic to her face in the form of a brow lift, cheek and chin implants and a blepharoplasty (eye lift), giving her the face and body men around the world have fallen in love with and fantasized to on their computer monitors.

Plastic surgeon Dr. Sherrell J. Aston says, “Cindy Margolis has had a total transformation and looks like a completely different person. I suspect she has had numerous plastic surgery procedures such as, Rhinoplasty, Breast Augmentation, Brow Lift, Cheek Implant, Chin Implant and Blepharoplasty. In my opinion she looks overdone and unnatural, I would not advise her to have any more surgery.”

Cindy Margolis Plastic Surgery Breast Implants and Cheek Implants Before and After Pictures

The beautiful and iconic actress Gwyneth Paltrow has again in 2013 been awarded the title Most Beautiful Woman In the World. After all of these years of fame, this American actress continues to be a simple, natural beauty. Just how natural her beauty really is has recently come into question, however, due to some rumors that she has had a nose job, as well as other forms of plastic surgery. Now in her forties, it would seem that some plastic surgery work might be required to keep her looking fresh and young.

Gwyneth Paltrow been looking a little different lately, hasn’t she? Inevitably, every woman in Hollywood faces the same pressure, whether they admit it or not – especially actresses. Some women are strong enough to resist going under the knife – a la Meryl Streep, Diane Lane, etc – but usually those women are known more for their acting ability than their looks. Gwyneth Paltrow, while not a bad actor, is known more for her looks, her lifestyle, her husband, and her off-screen life than she is known for being an Actor.

Has Gwyneth Paltrow Had Plastic Surgery Before 2011?

Unlike many contemporary female entertainers, actress Gwyneth Paltrow (who was born on September 27, 1972) and has said that she never wishes to undergo a celebrity plastic surgery operation of any sort, except for a breast lift, which she has stated as a possibility though not as a certainty.
In an interview with the German edition of “OK” magazine, she declared herself to be against “gimmicks for peasants” that include not only plastic surgery, but also substances like botox and silicone.
She once told Elle magazine: “People come up to me and say, ‘I want to have two kids and wear a bathing suit and not feel terrible about myself. I see how hard you work and it makes me feel like I can do that too.’”

Other anti-cosmetic surgery things she has been quoted as saying are: “Plastic surgery is excessive vanity.”; “Before I didn’t care about it. And I still refuse to use silicone, botox or other of those gimmicks out of pure vanity. But a breast correction after breast feeding — why not? There’s actually nothing else to restore the original condition, isn’t there?”.
Her views reflect those of other glamorous celebrities, particularly Erica Durance.  Gwyneth Paltrow’s opinion is even echoed amongst some of the younger celebrities who have already given great thought to the possibility of cosmetic alterations in the future – see Hilary Duff as a good example.

If the rumors are true, Gwyneth has likely had a rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, and a chemical peel or even laser treatments. When comparing her new photos to her old photos, it appears that her nose has gotten smaller, narrower, and more defined, although ever so slightly. In order to help her eyes appear fresh and young, it would also seem that she had blepharoplasty done on both her upper and lower eyelids. Lastly, her bright, clean, fresh skin is probably the result of skin treatments like chemical peels or even laser treatments. Keeping her skin young and renewed has allowed her to appear younger than her 40 years.

Gwyneth Paltrow has always been fanatically concerned about her weight. She has maintained a very strict diet over the years to control her figure, and she might have figured that a breast reduction might have been the way to go. Either that, or she hated her ‘sagging boobs‘ so much that she got them lifted. Now, this is a very serious and personal decision, so we’re not criticizing her for anything. Rather, just pointing out that there is a noticeable difference in pictures.

Of course, this isn’t the first time that Gwyneth’s changed her looks. Years ago, when she was at the top of the A-list and won an Oscar for Shakespeare in Love, her nose also suddenly became straighter and narrower. Sure, some people attribute to the weight loss, but the bone structure of your nose and face doesn’t change from weight loss.

What do you guys think? Boob job, or no boob job? Do you think Gwyneth would ever admit to going under the knife, especially since she’s already admitted to dabbling in plastic surgery? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Of course, Gwyneth Paltrow is also known for her love of a natural lifestyle and natural treatments. It is possible that she has just taken great care of her face and body over the years, and is now reaping the rewards! There is some evidence that she had admitted to having a nose job, but nothing has been proven definitively. Generally, her stance is against having plastic surgery. As she was obviously born with great natural beauty, perhaps it is true that she was also born with great genetics, and is aging really, really well!

What kinds of plastic surgery Gwyneth Paltrow had done:
  1.     rhinoplasty – the bridge of her nose looks thinner than before and the tip also appears to have been decreased, but the most she could have had is minor surgery that widened the nostrils slightly;
  2.     blepharosty (possibly);
  3.     chin augmentation (possibly in her youth);
  4.     chemical peel treatments;
  5.     laser surgery;
  6.     eye and brow lifts;
  7.     mastopexy;

Gwyneth Paltrow Plastic Surgery Botox, Breast Implants and Nose Job Before and After Photos

Greta Van Susteren, the famous TV personality from America, is rumored that she’d plastic surgery. It is saying that Greta has done Eyelift, Botox and Facelift.

When the famous host Greta Van Susteren moved from CNN to Fox news in early 2002, she got plastic surgery for her face to become younger and more attractive. Greta then appeared in a completely new style and trendy hairs. The image of Greta suddenly had left a lasting impression in the eyes of the viewer: a charming girl sitting behind the desk in dialogue with a short skirt and long legs.

The Greta Van Susteren plastic surgery story is no secret, as this legal analyst for a host of television shows has publicly talked about her eye lift.

Greta Van Susteren was born on June 11, 1954 in Appleton, Wisconsin, and she has gained international recognition for her legal commentary on a number of television news shows.

Now, Greta is aged 58 – the age which starts appearing wrinkles and lines. But did you see any signs of aging in her face?

No, her face seems smooth and tight. So, did she had any plastic surgery ?

The questions about the plastic surgery raised from the viewers. Well, Greta admitted about the eye lift (belpheroplasty). She said in an interview to “People” magazine that she’d done eye lift to change the appearance of her eyes. Also said that it helped her to make the eyes look better. Well, it’s true. She looks more beautiful with the changes.

But, did she quit cosmetic surgeries with eye lift ? The answer is no. The rumors saying that she has gone through botox injections.

Greta Van Susteren: I Had A Cosmetic Surgery Eye Lift

This media journalist has gone on the record during an interview with People magazine and has openly talked about her eye lift.

She has done this much the way that Cameron Diaz’ plastic surgery has been discussed. Her procedure is known as an eye lift, and the star says that she was tired of the black bags under her eyes, and she had a month in between jobs.

During this time, she decided to have an operation, and there are no worst plastic surgery pictures that are found with other celebrity plastic surgeries.

Most have commented on the improvement that Susteren has accomplished with her new look, and many have talked about its effects on her new job.

Owning big eyes, glitter is always the dream of many celebrities. That's why recent technological eye lift surgery is increasingly thriving. Greta Van Susteren is no exception. However, the cosmetic surgery of Susteren had led to many concerns : Does the appearance of women more important than their ability?

There were rumors Greta applied eye corner surgery. Thus, in addition to get 2 naturally lids, her eyes will be balanced through corners and bigger eyes are open wider than before. The wrinkles are not so much as before and the ‘ crow's feet ‘ are not on her face anymore. However, after the first time, this method gradually revealing the defects can only push to launch vertically but not horizontally effects. This sometimes makes the eyes lose the inherent balance.

It is said that Greta Van Susteren also had had surgery to have bow smile. Cosmetic surgery easily causes complications but fortunately, after surgery, Greta become beautiful and charming as ever. Ever-present smile is always on her lips.

On the woman's face, the lips are a highlight to show the glamor, sexy and most attractive to the opposite. However, due to the nature or impact of objectivity, some stars do not get the beautiful lips as desired. Lips are too thin or too thick will affect the harmony and elegance of the face. In particular, defects, birth defects of the lip can be a burden that many psychological inferiority in life. Greta who was known with the smile "distortion" feature, apparently she wanted to change her appearance to become more perfect, have a mouth looks more cheerful, smiling as always deposited on her lips.

Greta Van Susteren, an author and a well-known critic of the U.S., said: "Prior to surgery, Greta Van Susteren is considered a major step in the fields of women like a political analysis by intelligence and analytical abilities of her great legal. Gerber also concluded that Van Susteren is a heartbreaking example of inequality for women. For smart ladies, more intelligent or not intelligent enough for the whole world still prioritize look at their appearance.

Does Cosmetic Surgery Go Hand In Hand With A Career Move?

Many wonder if this news personality went under the knife for her new high paying job with the Fox News Network.

She is the recipient of nearly a million dollar a year salary as a result of the bidding war between Fox and CNN. Before she went to work for Fox News, the star went public about her operation, and this has left many wondering whether it is associated with her new job.

There are good chances that this is the case, as before this time, she was known for her indifference to her public appearance.

Whatever the truth is, her results are far better than the Michael Jackson plastic surgery that was the perfect case of plastic surgery gone wrong.

Greta Van Susteren has a brand new job and a brand new eye lift to go with it. This television personality has been open about her surgery, and she has gone on the record to talk about her eye lift.

This is a procedure that relies on an eye tuck, and it is the third most popular type of plastic surgery in the United States. Most of the pictures that have been shown are surprisingly good, and people are talking of the new plastic surgery celebrity and her new television show for Fox.

The Greta Van Susteren cosmetic surgery is an issue that is public knowledge.

Greta Van Susteren plastic surgery actually kind of pretty woman with or without  plastic surgery. But as I said before her professions that always appear on screen requires her to always looks perfect and stunning in front of the camera. Since she decide to go under the knife, people then started to compared her appearance before an after conducted with plastic surgery.

People said that before her face was touched with some procedures of plastic surgery especially eyelid surgery, bro lift and possibly botox on her forehead. After got involved with plastic surgery, its true that Greta Van Susteren looks much younger than her real age but some reason they said that its not looks like herself used to. Greta Van Susteren has very long time standing on screen, that why its easy for people to compared her before and after plastic surgery was conducted.

After plastic surgery its seems that Greta Van Susteren brow lift looks more lifted than before. Before her eyes looks narrowed and after eyelid surgery we may see that hilarious big eyes without any eye bag as the sign of aging. Greta Van Susteren also got botox that was injected on her forehead, before it looks naturally aging with some wrinkles but after botox injection Greta Van Susteren forehead looks so smooth but stiffed and immobile.

So which one did you like? Greta Van Susteren before or after plastic surgery condition? Well You are more than welcome to share your opinion about Greta Van Susteren plastic surgery before and after condition by written that on the comment box bellow.

Greta Van Susteren Facelift:

While going through the pictures of Greta before and after, we can see that there’s some changes in her skin also. It’s not looks like a 58 year old woman’s skin. Yes, she had some work done in her face. That’s the reason why her skin looks tight and fluffy.

This young looking skin is made by botox fillers. It makes the skin tight and will lessen the wrinkles. The line and excessive fatty skin on face can be removed by face lift. After the process, her face is kind of plumbed look.

Greta Van Susteren Botox Injections:

But I don’t the think her facelift is successful like Lesley Visser, because her skin is not seems natural now. Even a little kid can find that her “plastic” face. If she’d done in a normal amount or in a medium level, it would give great results.

But overall, plastic surgery procedures made her looks better. Not a utter fail one. It boosted her self confidence and esteem. As a TV anchor, appearance matters a lot. You know that, right?

Her facelift was not much perfect as the nose job. Well, she looks good with the plastic surgeries.

Greta Van Susteren Plastic Surgery Facelift, Botox Before and After Pictures

This is the world of science and technology and it has made it possible for human beings maintain their youthful appearance for a long period of time. Now, healthy diet, yoga, and some medical treatment can keep our body fresh and charming. This trend has become more common among Hollywood celebrities. Even the actresses, who have crossed their 70s are still fabulous and gorgeous. They don’t have loose skin with horrible wrinkles. For this purpose, most of the celebrities use Botox injections, fillers, Rhinoplasty, liposuctions, cosmetics and plastic surgeries. Goldie Hawn plastic surgery is one of the best examples of Youthful appearance. She looks completely changed with several medical treatments.

The reporters and her fans can compare her bundle of pictures to guess about significant changes. She has appeared with well shaped breast and tight skin. Her boobs look fuller and sexy that is impossible in this old age. As compared to her age, her figure is more perfect and attractive as if Goldie Hawn is still youthful and energetic. One more proof of Goldie Hawn plastic surgery is related to implantation effects on her cheeks. She may have used fillers and Botox injections though it is not confirmed by the actress herself. However, people and surgeons have found some visible changes on her lips, breast and cheeks...

If I could say, I would refer Hollywood as a world of fake. Do you think that I am excessively? You better think once more. How many Hollywood celebrities come with their natural appearance? I believe it is one out of a hundred celebrities. Yes, it is kind of public secret that Hollywood celebrities come with their fake appearance as they had undergone plastic surgery. And now, we would like to reveal the rumors of Goldie Hawn plastic surgery. Do you know how old Goldie Hawn is? With her youthful look, everybody cannot recognize that she is almost 70 years.

Has Goldie Hawn Had Cosmetic Surgery?
Where the cutting edge of beauty treatments meets super stardom, we can expect to find Goldie Hawn. Just don’t expect to hear her be very outspoken about the subject of plastic surgery.
Born in Washington, D.C. on 21 November 1945, Goldie Hawn is best known for her role in the television series Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In, Foul Play (1978), Overboard (1987) and Private Benjamin (1980).
Goldie Hawn has long been tied romantically to Kurt Russell (since 1983) and is the mother of three, including Oliver and Kate Hudson (both from her second husband, Bill Hudson) and her third child, Wyatt Russell, is her only child with Kurt Russell.

Goldie Hawn Plastic surgery is claimed to give her youthful appearance. In her almost 70s, Goldie Hawn comes with her perfect breast shape and youthful facial skin. People come to question these significant changes of Goldie Hawn. Public try to compare piles of her pictures before and after plastic surgery. As everybody guess, Goldie Hawn has fuller breasts and some visible changes of her face are also identified. Where did she get those youthful looks? Plastic surgery has become the only thing to give her that fabulous appearance in her 70s age. She should be grateful with the result of her plastic surgeries.

Some reports claimed that Goldie Hawn has undergone breast augmentation, cheek filler as well as lip filler. She is also believed to get Botox injection on her face, as we cannot see either wrinkles or loose skin on her face. Goldie Hawn probably wants to refuse that she is getting older as she wants to keep her youthful appearance. Well, no matter how hard she tried, time cannot be stopped. She remains grow old with her fake appearance. Apart from the plastic surgery itself, still, she is a charming lady who wants to keep her beauty until her late age.

The team of reporters questioned about her plastic surgeries, she disclosed Botox injections and breast augmentation. Goldie Hawn plastic surgery looks natural as she doesn’t over use  the treatment. She has wrinkles on her face but her looks are graceful and gorgeous. Moreover, Goldie Hawn claimed that she has good genes to maintain her beauty. The use of plastic surgery as well as her body structure has helped her to sustain her beauty for a longer time period. She admitted the role of Botox injections and cosmetic surgeries, however she wants to grow old gracefully. She has decided that she will never misuse plastic surgery to tight her skin because excessive use of such treatments have given horrible results. Goldie Hawn plastic surgery satisfaction is the basic reason that her fans are happy with her natural looks and fabulous beauty.

Goldie Hawn Autobiography: I Had Breast Augmentation
Her 2005 autobiography A Lotus in the Mud reportedly reveals that Goldie has in fact undergone breast augmentation in addition to frequenting cosmetic doctors for skin smoothing injections (perhaps laser resurfacing or Botox). She was also quoted in a 1992 edition of People magazine (vol.37 No.3):.

“Why would somebody want to talk about plastic surgery? I don’t think it’s anybody’s business.”
Goldie Hawn may occasionally fall victim to another celebrity plastic surgery rumor-mill but she has been allowed to age gracefully. This is due in part to her healthy lifestyle and not multiple trips under the knife.
Many are left wondering, though, with those beautifully arched cheekbones and full lips, if the iconic actress has in fact gone under the knife for some touch up work.
The overall consensus seems to be, that even if she has in fact had some work done, it’s not over the top and she is still as beautiful as ever.

Weighing 115 pounds at 5’6”, Goldie Hawn would appear to be a more likely candidate for touch up work on facial features and not more invasive procedures like liposuction.

There are too many celebrity bad surgery stories, see for example Mary Tyler Moore. Besides what was told in her autobiography, Goldie Hawn has managed to keep her surgery secrets under wraps while keeping the words true -“less is more.”

Dr. Paul S. Nassif has been quoted on us stating “Goldie Hawn plastic surgery may have had filler injected to her lips, as they do appear more pouty in certain photos. Overall, if filler was injected, it was not too overdone. Her look still appears natural.”

The “trout pout” look is a nickname given when the filler starts to wear off and a noticeably uneven effect is left in the injection site. For Goldie Hawn, this may be a result of Restylane or Juvederm.
On the flipside, many Hollywood critics have noted that Goldie Hawn’s face looks much different now than when she started in the film industry. Other critics would say that some plastic surgery may do her some favors.

Goldie Hawn Plastic Surgery Breast Implants, Botox Injections Before and After Photos

There have been plenty of Cindy Crawford plastic surgery rumors swirling around since she still looks beautiful and amazing in her 47-year-old-age. Her face still looks smooth and flawless without any aging signs like wrinkles, crows feet lines, and other aging signs typically seen in women her age. What’s going here? Is there botox involved, or has she discovered the fountain of youth? Let’s find out.

Cindy Crawford shot to fame in the late 1980s as one of the original supermodels. Her trademark facial mole and natural beauty were a refreshing contrast to the more plastic appearing models that were popular at the time. After retirement, Cindy has made thousands of dollars marketing skin care products and rejuvenating creams. Cindy Crawford has been touted as an ideal example of natural beauty, unblemished by the surgeon’s knife.

Unfortunately, things are not what they appear. Cindy has recently admitted that her “natural beauty” is simply the result of her decade long relationship with a skilled cosmetic surgeon. Cindy has admitted to using fillers and Botox injections to keep her cheeks defined and her brow relaxed and wrinkle-free. Prestigious cosmetic surgeons agree that her defined cheekbones are the result of several injection treatments of sculpting agents. This treatment has given Cindy sharp and defined cheekbones well into her fourth decade. Cindy has utilized Botox to relax the brow and banish the appearance of any crows-feet or age related wrinkles. Even years after retirement, Cindy has continued to sport an appearance unmarked by wrinkles or age related gravity.

Cindy Crawford Plastic Surgery

In recent paparazzi pictures, Cindy appears to have a more sunken look to her eyes. This has led to rumors of eye surgery, including the removal of fat from around the eyelid. Excess removal causes a sunken appearance, leaving the eye poorly supported and hollow looking, though this could be the result of excess Botox injections. Cindy has denied using surgery and states she only uses injection treatments, but many fans are questioning her truthfulness given the drastic change in her appearance. Although Cindy still demonstrates a gorgeous appearance for any woman of her age, she should be careful to not given in to further surgery and damage her appearance any further.

Did Cindy Crawford Have Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery seems to be the best way for Hollywood celebrities and models to keep their aging signs in check. This lets them keep their youthful appearance even in their old age. The latest news reported that Cindy Crawford has had some surgical procedures to enhance and maintain her youthful appearance. The big question is how good does she look after these supposed cosmetic surgery procedures?

Comparing Cindy Crawford plastic surgery before and after pictures, she surely looks younger than other women at her age. She likely has had some facial filler injections like Botox or other dermal injections done around her face to make it look smooth and fresh despite the fact that she is 47 years old. Other women near her age turn to the same options to keep a youthful appearance. Take for example Whitney Cummings who is still looking great.

According to a plastic surgeon, Dr. Ben Behnam, Cindy indeed has a face that looks fantastic for her age. The surgeon believed that she has had some filler injections like Botox, and collagen on her face so she can look younger than other women of her age. On the other hand, Dr. Sherrell J. Aston said that she does not only have Botox injecion on her face, but she possibly had cheeks implants done as well. This is because her cheeks now look higher and fuller than before. However, Both of the plastic surgery experts agreed that Cindy Crawford’s plastic surgery procedures were well done.

However, when Cindy was asked to make some clarifications regarding the plastic surgery rumors, she denied that she had been under a surgeon’s knife to enhance her appearance. She claimed that what she has is natural and without any surgeon’s aid. She claimed that her success was the result of a skin care line of products called “Meaningful Beauty.”

Over all, though Cindy has denied that she has had plastic surgery, before and after pictures reveal the fact that she indeed had some work done on her face. Regardless of whether she has really been under a surgeon’s knife or not, we noticed that she looks better, younger, and more beautiful than the other women in her age group.

What do you think of the Cindy Crawford plastic surgery rumors? Does she look natural or has there been some work done on her face? Feel free to share this post if you find any interesting news!

Cindy Crawford Plastic Surgery – How Much Genuine And Relevant Is This Fact?

There are no age signs and wrinkles whatsoever. These are clear signs that she too went under the knife and followed up with few surgeries and treatments to carry on with the stardom. Cindy Crawford Plastic Surgery has been the point of discussion for certain period of time and there are lot of facts and evidences to get that she underwent some treatments or surgeries to look young and attractive. She is 47 and still looks that beautiful and attractive. 93757 cindy crawford fotos 2 Cindy Crawford Plastic SurgeryThere are no age or wrinkles in her face and it looks smooth as always, flawless. Plastic surgery is one of the best ways for celebrities to look or maintain their stardom and they don’t want to look old and for that reason undergoes several techniques and changes so that they are young and have that fan following all the time. There are some reports that she went for some treatments and it is only to maintain her young looks and the question is what changes that came in with surgery?

The most effective and best part of Cindy Crawford Plastic Surgery is that she looks young and much attractive compared to women of her age and this plastic or cosmetic surgery does to you. There have been some fillers or Botox injections that are done, also there is the dermal injection that is provided around the face and it makes your face looks fresh and smooth. This is the most effective and quite evident fact about Cindy Crawford Plastic Surgery. Experts too believe that she used fillers and Botox to look young and there are some cheek implants.

The best part about Cindy Crawford Plastic Surgery is that there are some changes and it is evident from the pictures but it is not overdone and it suited her completely. The changes are done effectively and it suites her personality. This has been the main success story behind the model looking so young even at this age of 47 years. When the models was asked regarding such clarifications she utterly avoided and also said it was her strict diet and fitness system that resulted in making her young and stay so attractive at such age.

Cindy Crawford Plastic Surgery Botox and Fillers Cheek Implants Before and After

For some time people were creating various rumors about possible Georgia Salpa plastic surgery. It is normal having in mind that she is a famous and beautiful young woman. Most of the people know Georgia Salpa as a part of Celebrity Big Brother project.

Georgia Salpa Gets Lip Injections…

So, the truth is out. Her lips are about as genuine as her all year round suntan.

Who let the cat out of the bag? Well, it was none other than her new manager, Dave Read, who clearly is in a great position to know the score:

“I’ve asked her about her boobs and they are real but she always winks when I ask her if she’s had her lips done,” he said.

Having done many nude photoshoots for a range of magazines, she now stars in her own reality TV series called Holly’s World, and competed in the eighth series of Dancing With The Stars, which aired in 2009.

Most of the rumors about possible Georgia Salpa plastic surgery started to show up when people have noticed some changes in her appearance. The first thing that we notice when looking at some of the photo comparisons is that her breast size has noticeably changed. It seems that her breasts have become at least two sizes bigger during a very short period of time. Of course, people started suspecting that she might have gotten breasts implants. However, Georgia Salpa has denied these rumors and said that her breasts are all natural.

There were other rumors about Georgia Salpa plastic surgery which were not as likely to be true, because there is almost no evidence to support them. People were speculating about possible lip augmentation, cheek fillers and rhinoplasty. Looking at the photo comparisons, we can see some subtle changes on her face, but it is hard to tell if they have happened naturally or because of plastic surgery. Recently one of these rumors have been confirmed – Georgia admitted that she has had lip fillers, but that is all. According to her, that is the only procedure that she has had, but she wouldn’t cross out the possibility of getting something done in the future. One way or another, we can see that Georgia Salpa plastic surgery isn’t one of the plastic surgery gone wrong examples. Even with the fillers, her lips don’t look too full or swollen – they look natural and fit her face perfectly. Of course, who knows how she will look in the future if she has started getting plastic surgery while she’s still in her 20s.

All things considered, we know for sure that there has been at least one Georgia Salpa plastic surgery and it was lip fillers. As for the other rumors, nobody knows for sure, because there isn’t enough evidence, at least for know. For now, everyone can decide for themselves and without a doubt there will still be various rumors about her possible surgeries. What we do know for sure is that Georgia Salpa is a young beautiful woman who doesn’t really need any kind of surgical alteration to look that way.

But Did Georgia Have a Boob Job?

Given the Celebrity Big Brother publicity, discussions have focused on whether Miss Salpa may have had celeb plastic surgery.

While clearly not in the Heidi Montag or Lindsay Lohan league, there’s possibly some evidence (as our before and after pictures show) to support the argument.

Dave, however, went a step further and adamantly denied the breast enhancement rumours despite the fact that things seemed have expanded from a genuine 32C to glamour girl 30E!

Dave said: “I’m not an expert in these things but there must be something in the milk in Dublin” which sounds a bit like the boob job equivalent of Father Christmas, so we’re sort of suspicious that to be honest.”

Georgia, who recently teamed up with Neon Management in London in an effort to get her UK career going, is an old flame of Calum Best.

Dave argued that appearing on Celebrity Big Brother should be the first of many stages of a potentially money-spinning career.

He said: “She’s not the big ‘I am’ type of person, she’s quiet and quite shy but she’s very down-to-earth and that’s what people will like about her. She’s just an all round good Irish lass and we’re taking things one day at a time but I’m confident the British public will embrace her just like the Irish have.”

Georgia Salpa Plastic Surgery Breast Implants, Lips Before and After Photos